Reviving Ophelia

by Mary Bray Pipher

Describes the psychological pitfalls faced by teenage girls growing up in a dangerous world in which violence, sexual harassment, eating disorders, promiscuity, and drug use have become the norm

Boundaries with Kids

by Henry Cloud, John Sims Townsend,

Discusses the creation of healthy boundaries and reinforced consequences to help children develop a sense of accountability for their own lives.

Surviving Your Child's Adolescence

by Carl Pickhardt

Guiding parents through the rough teenage years, a psychologist and parenting expert presents a four-stage model of adolescent growth to help parents anticipate common developmental changes and offers best practices for communication, decision-making and conflict. Original.

Saving Your Marriage Before it Starts

by Les Parrott

In an expanded and updated edition, two renowned relationship experts help engaged and newlywed couples build solid foundations for love, equipping them with the tools they need for a rock-solid marriage that will last a lifetime. 50,000 first printing. $40,000 ad/promo.

Hold Me Tight

by Sue Johnson

Introduces the author's Emotionally Focused Therapy technique, explaining how to assist couples by treating their relationship as a love-based, attachment bond that can be healed through a reestablishment of safe emotional connections.

A Grace Disguised

by Jerry Sittser, Gerald Lawson Sittser,

A revised edition, this book plumbs the depths of our sorrows, whether due to illness, divorce, or the loss of someone we love. In coming to the end of ourselves, we can come to the beginning of a new life. Includes a new preface and epilogue.

The Gifts of Imperfection

by Breňe Brown

An expert of the psychology of shame presents advice on how to overcome paralyzing fears and self-consciousness, and at the same time increase feelings of self-worth, gratitude, and acceptance.


by Mark Williams, Danny Penman,

MINDFULNESS reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that can be incorporated into daily life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness, and exhaustion. It promotes the kind of happiness and peace that gets into your bones. It seeps into everything you do and helps you meet the worst that life throws at you with new courage. The book is based on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBCT revolves around a straightforward form of mindfulness meditation which takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to be at least as effective as drugs for depression and is widely recommended by US physicians and the UK's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence - in other words, it works. More importantly it also works for people who are not depressed but who are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of the modern world. MBCT was developed by the book's author, Oxford professor Mark Williams, and his colleagues at the Universities of Cambridge and Toronto. By investing just 10 to 20 minutes each day, you can learn the simple mindfulness meditations at the heart of MBCT and fully reap their benefits. The book includes links to audio mediations to help guide you through the process. You'll be surprised by how quickly these techniques will have you enjoying life again.

Health at Every Size

by Linda Bacon

Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight by Linda Bacon, PhD, presents a well-researched, healthy-living manual that debunks the weight myths and translates the latest science into practical advice to help readers forever end their battle with weight.

Body Respect

By Linda Bacon

Dr. Linda Bacon and Dr. Lucy Aphramor debunk common myths about weight, including the misconceptions that BMI can accurately measure health, that fatness necessarily leads to disease, and that dieting will improve health. They also help make sense of how poverty and oppression—such as racism, homophobia, and classism—affect life opportunity, self-worth, and even influence metabolism.

Family Ties That Bind

by Ronald W. Richardson

Most people's lives are complicated by family relationships. Birth order, our parents' relationship, and the rules we were brought up with can affect our self-esteem and relationships with spouses, children, and other family members. Family of Origin therapy and techniques can help you create better relationships.

Codependent No More

by Melody Beattie

Discusses codependency and contains real-life examples, personal reflections, exercises, and self-tests designed to help people overcome their codependency.

The Whole Brain Child

by Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

A thoughtful book about how to parent while keeping your child’s brain development in mind. Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson demystify the meltdowns and aggravation, explaining the new science of how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures

The Defining Decade

By Meg Jay, PhD

This is a powerful book for anyone in their twenties needing some extra direction and guidance. Meg Jay discusses how the latest science behind how work, relationships, personality, social networks, identity and even the brain changes more during this decade more than at any other time in adulthood.

Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

By Jeffrey M. Schwartz, MD with Beverly Beyette

 This book is a guide to breaking the cycle of intrusive and obsession thoughts. The author offers a simple 4 step method to changing your brain chemistry and breaking free of unwanted anxiety patterns in your life.