Engagement is an exciting time! As you look ahead to your wedding and future marriage, counseling is the perfect place to prepare for a healthy and successful union. I love working with pre-marital couples as they explore their family of origin, express hopes for the future, and develop skills that will help them work as a team moving forward. 

When working with pre-marital couples I often use an assessment (Prepare & Enrich, or Symbis) to give us an outline of what strengths, challenges, and areas of growth the couple brings to the table. We use this assessment to guide our time together as we explore communication, conflict, finances, faith... and many more important topics. My goal is for couples to walk away from our time together feeling stronger as a unit and equipped to deal with the challenges that arise when two become one. 

I am always honored to be able to walk with couples through the beginning of their journey and highlight the many strengths they have as a new family.